wherein DF travels to Deutschland for the 2006 world cup to follow the US men's national soccer team

Sunday, April 30, 2006

You cannot be serious: JOB injured again

In an easy-to-report revelation that merely requires soccer writers to cut and paste text from countless identical previous articles, John O'Brien was injured, again, while practicing with Chivas USA. Yanks Abroad has the best report on the incident, which took JOB out of commission for this weekend. It's not much of a knock, just a minor left calf strain, but for the love of God, what does the aforementioned deity have against O'Brien? Of course, I keep assuming that JOB is the victim of an unbelievable skein of bad breaks, when in fact it's likely the case that each of his injuries make future injuries more likely, so it's not as though the only factor at issue here is pure chance.

I've been assuming all along that JOB will make the final USMNT roster, thinking that if he becomes injured then we can just replace him with an alternate. Turns out things aren't that simple. FIFA rules permit roster players to be replaced only if they injure themselves after the May 15 deadline for submitting a final 23-man squad. So if it turns out that Bruce names JOB to the team, and then this latest injury (or any of the preexisting ones) prevent him from playing, FIFA would not permit the US to name an alternate to the roster. Of course, this particular injury doesn't seem serious enough to keep O'Brien out of commission for the Cup, so it's not that much of a risk. And given his track record, I think the real concern is that JOB will injure himself in a major way before the WC, and if that happened we could name an alternate to the squad. At the end of the day, though, I remain skeptical that JOB will actually be fit enough to contribute to the US effort in Germany. But I really hope I'm wrong.


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